Senin, 06 Juli 2009

The beloved spouse.............

Are you still up or just...... fast asleep, dreaming....

Silence, no words from you; my prince who still dreaming.

Please forgive me for my poor lil heart out cry

It beats and beats hoping it doesn’t disturb your tranquility.

The night is silent yet very still, as I closed my eyes, picturing you.

In my mind I see you, a collage of memories all on rewind

Like That first night I promised you with that kiss.

On that first night when we lock eyes...

Do you remember the moment we both felt captured in a bliss

An hour away but world’s apart

Secretly I too look up wondering if you stare at the same star

I’ve close my eyes trying to capture memories of your beautiful face

The times of us smiling and cuddling enjoying each other’s taste

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