Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Considerate long I wanted to express it here , in fact long since I last lived with his ​​foster from I do not yet know what it is to live until I am mature and know what it is the struggle of life , of course I'm very hard to know who he is , with all what he I have accepted it sincerely because I love him too sincerely . With all the sacrifices I feel I struggle to maintain this relationship remains intact even though I actually felt very heavy because I was in a state of dilemma, hit a problem related to the basic principles of life which has been determined by rule of God and it can not be denied because the Lord has promising for those who are subject to and comply with all the rules that God has created for his people for the sake of later life beside God who would fulfill his promise which we already know the world is not mortal again . This is the consideration of me where I refrained for many years to remain beside him and actually very heavy in my heart I separated from him who had filled me many things in life and this is what the baby proof my love . My heart is actually very devastated , feeling sorry for themselves angry with myself because I could not stand it any longer , patience has no end but its defense collapsed , because of he himself seems to be no trying to keep this relationship. I feel that communication did not directly leveled at me but instead he tried to communicate the big issue is out , he's probably in the mind of this point would be a great tool to have effect on me, but everything is so big zero because they are used as a communication tool , closed clam ... until eventually over time our relationship off just because in a very long time he is holding communication with me and everything so late ... neglected ... because it is in the mind of his allegations against me are baseless allegations ... May God give a blessing to us all , that he , my kid and I ......

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